United Kingdom Copyright Protection
Mechanicals,, C J Humphrey (proprietor) & G B Humphrey from now on known as “We”, “Us”, “Mechanicals”.international convention
The Berne Convention is the main international convention governing copyright. It lays down the common framework: rights of the author, minimum guaranteed copyright duration, actions requiring permission, etc. that all contracting states must incorporate in their national laws and extend to foreign artists and authors.
As of November 2020 there are 179 countries that are signatories of the Berne Convention (source: World Intellectual Property Organization)
Other treaties and agreements
There are additional treaties that convey additional rights or have historical significance, these are:
The WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT) a special agreement under the Berne Convention which deals with the protection of works and the rights of their authors in the digital environment.
Marrakesh Treaty
The “Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired, or Otherwise Print Disabled (2013)”, allows for government authorised entities to reproduce and distribute accessible verisons of books to people that are blind, or have a visual impairment or other disability that impairs their ability to read a book.
Universal Copyright Convention (UCC) Now of little significance as all UCC members are now also members of the Berne Convention or TRIPS. For more information, please see our main article on the Universal Copyright Convention (UCC).
In addition to the above treaties, countries may have unilateral deals with other countries.My Rights To Use An “Artist” Name
G B Humphrey creates all his artwork under his artist name ©Hugh May-perry – All works created using this Artist name remain copyrighted to and owned in their entirety by “Us”
All artwork and content (content, design, pictures and text) on the mechanical-creations website are the sole property and copyright of “Us” and are legally protected by U.K. & international copyright laws.
Under no circumstance may you download, reproduce, publish or distribute elsewhere, in any medium, any of the images for commercial purposes, without proper and prior written permission from “Us”
“We” and the ‘mechanicals’ Etsy shop – retain all of the copyrights to all artwork on this site and the shop Mechanicals, including but not limited to: all “written content”, “illustration”, “image,” “design of and creation” of “All Sculptures” in “photographic”, “image” or “physical art form” regardless of whether or not the original “image”, “photograph” or “sculpture” has been sold, (from now on known as “The Content” when agreeing to the “terms and conditions” of using this “website” )
Unauthorised duplication or usage of “The Content” for commercial purposes is prohibited by Copyright law and will be prosecuted.Should you wish to use any “content” for commercial purposes please contact for all other matters and business enquiries mark your email: F.A.O *The Proprietor and send to
Although details of national laws may differ, the basic rights are the same in most countries due to international conventions and agreements. This provides a common framework that national legislation must follow to ensure countries respect the rights and work of ©Hugh May-Perry and the “content” “we” publish, this means all our “work” and the “content” is copyrighted automatically at a worldwide level.
All references to Etsy are soley used for the purposes of defining the Mechanicals shop which is hosted by Etsy, the brand name and any other reference to the name Etsy belongs to Etsy inc.
C J Humphrey, Mechanicals, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP202BS, UK,United Kingdom Copyright Protection
Mechanicals,, C J Humphrey (proprietor) & G B Humphrey from now on known as “We”, “Us”, “Mechanicals”.
international convention
The Berne Convention is the main international convention governing copyright. It lays down the common framework: rights of the author, minimum guaranteed copyright duration, actions requiring permission, etc. that all contracting states must incorporate in their national laws and extend to foreign artists and authors.
As of November 2020 there are 179 countries that are signatories of the Berne Convention (source: World Intellectual Property Organization)
Other treaties and agreements
There are additional treaties that convey additional rights or have historical significance, these are:
The WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT) a special agreement under the Berne Convention which deals with the protection of works and the rights of their authors in the digital environment.
Marrakesh Treaty
The “Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired, or Otherwise Print Disabled (2013)”, allows for government authorised entities to reproduce and distribute accessible verisons of books to people that are blind, or have a visual impairment or other disability that impairs their ability to read a book.
Universal Copyright Convention (UCC) Now of little significance as all UCC members are now also members of the Berne Convention or TRIPS. For more information, please see our main article on the Universal Copyright Convention (UCC).
In addition to the above treaties, countries may have unilateral deals with other countries.
My Rights To Use An “Artist” Name
G B Humphrey creates all his artwork under his artist name ©Hugh May-perry – All works created using this Artist name remain copyrighted to and owned in their entirety by “Us”
All artwork and content (content, design, pictures and text) on the mechanical-creations website are the sole property and copyright of “Us” and are legally protected by U.K. & international copyright laws.
Under no circumstance may you download, reproduce, publish or distribute elsewhere, in any medium, any of the images for commercial purposes, without proper and prior written permission from “Us”
“We” and the ‘mechanicals’ Etsy shop – retain all of the copyrights to all artwork on this site and the shop Mechanicals, including but not limited to: all “written content”, “illustration”, “image,” “design of and creation” of “All Sculptures” in “photographic”, “image” or “physical art form” regardless of whether or not the original “image”, “photograph” or “sculpture” has been sold, (from now on known as “The Content” when agreeing to the “terms and conditions” of using this “website” )
Unauthorised duplication or usage of “The Content” for commercial purposes is prohibited by Copyright law and will be prosecuted.
Should you wish to use any “content” for commercial purposes please contact for all other matters and business enquiries mark your email: F.A.O *The Proprietor and send to
Although details of national laws may differ, the basic rights are the same in most countries due to international conventions and agreements. This provides a common framework that national legislation must follow to ensure countries respect the rights and work of ©Hugh May-Perry and the “content” “we” publish, this means all our “work” and the “content” is copyrighted automatically at a worldwide level.
All references to Etsy are soley used for the purposes of defining the Mechanicals shop which is hosted by Etsy, the brand name and any other reference to the name Etsy belongs to Etsy inc.
C J Humphrey, Mechanicals, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP202BS, UK,